Sister Returns with Proof of Survival

by Martha Jette
(Hamilton, Ontario)

Rick Cempie of Ellwood City, Pennsylvania was sleeping soundly one night when he was suddenly awakened. He immediately thought it was his wife, A.J. who'd stirred him but when he turned over, he found she was sound asleep.What he saw startled him beyond words. There beside his bed stood his baby sister Lisa silently looking at him.
"She appeared at my bedside and awoke me from a sound sleep, which is no small feat considering I sleep like the dead to begin with," Rick explained. "At first, I thought she must be astral traveling or was a vision."
Unbeknownst to 42-year-old, his only sibling had died in a motor vehicle accident at 12.45 that morning. When she came to visit him, it was about 2 a.m. He did not get the official news until 6 a.m. Lisa would have been 40 on June 25th.
On Easter Sunday, it was a sad occasion made even more poignant when the family sat to watch a commemorative DVD made by the funeral home where Lisa was laid to rest. During this event, their son Tygue, just 7 years old, fell asleep on his older brother's lap. That night, Rick had a dream in which Lisa appeared.
"Lisa came to me and told me it was a great family visit," said Rick. "She was there the whole time and she especially enjoyed spending time with Tygue."
Both Rick and A.J. are somewhat psychic to begin with, but both of them have had dreams in which Lisa appeared. She told Rick that the night before the family get-together, she receive a message from Lisa.
"A.J. said she told Lisa she was surprised to see her so soon, impressed with how fast she was able to figure out how to 'show up,' to which my sister replied, 'You know I never was one to worry about rules. I always ran ahead of the pack!' This wording seemed significant to me because she was a biker the last 10 years of her life and as a person with a fondness for First Nations culture, she was not only fond of the wolf, but also had wolf paw prints tattooed on her chest."
On looking back, Rick said he seemed to be drawn to music that blended the howling of wolves and pups in Native themed music several weeks prior to her passing.
"Lisa then shared information with A.J. that she had no way of knowing," he continued. "A.J. was told in the dream that some DVDs we were watching were first seen on a bus tour with her and Bob and that everyone on the bus laughed their asses off. These were the exact words previously explained to me by Bob in their home in Butler while AJ was in our home in Ellwood City 35 minutes away. When the words were exactly the same I knew they were chosen that way."

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