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Oct 15, 2009
My dog almost died due to Fleas
by: Anonymous

This has been one terrible month due to fleas. We suddenly had fleas infiltrate our house, and my cat and dog had fleas. The carpet had fleas, there were fleas in their bed, and so I did a flea bomb, and sprayed and bought over the counter flea drops at the local grocery store. Big mistake! These drops are poison and almost killed my dog. I contacted the Vet who said that hartz brand flea and tick drops have killed over 200 cats that he knows about and explained what a big problem this is in our country.

He said that these products expire and are then shipped to Mexico, where they are "repackaged" and sent back to the States. He said since they are chemicals, they aren't regulated by the FDA, but by the EPA and there is very little oversight on this.

How could a grocery store sell such a product? How a company like Hartz could sell such a product is unimaginable.

I write for a dog magazine in Tampa and I am going to do some investigative reporting on this for the magazine.

If you know of anyone who has had a similar problem and they would like to share their story, please give them my email to respond.


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